Adventures of UT Graduates

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A very good friend of mine, Tressa, leaves for Rwanda and the Peace Corps on September 27th. Tressa, with her huge heart, love for Africa and very direct personality with never take no for an answer personality is going to land in Africa for the second time. (Her first trip to Africa was on a Fulbright Scholarship to Yoruba where she bestowed on me and everyone of our friends the great importance of Africa and Africans as a continent and as a people.

I wish I could say my adventures as a law student have brought such good to the world, but honestly, they've brought more self-induced headaches than anything. haha. I get great satisfaction from seeing my friends become good people and do great things. Tressa has inspired me to look at my law degree as not just another set of letters behind my name but as a way of giving back in whatever way I can. I may love IT & Privacy Law and it may have very little to do with changing the world, but ultimately I am determined to find a way for technology to touch the lives of everyone. I really do believe it can and it will bridge the gaps between economic, cultural, communication and societal barriers. I know the "what" of my hopes and beliefs, I just wish I knew the "how".

Thank you Tressa for inspiring me to ask the right questions.


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