What my blog post means...

Monday, August 31, 2009
So while talking to my mom today it occurred to me that many of you might not get what the big deal of writing for the Social Media Law Student blog. So let me put it to you this way...

The Social Media Law Student blog has received accolades from the Wall Street Journal, The American Bar Association Tech Show, was featured in an issue of the American Bar Association's magazine as a Law Firm Website that Worked, was also featured in Alltop and has won several awards. The number of people who subscribe to the blog's feed is 4,227. (Grandma, think of it like 4,227 people read this blog like a newspaper each day with their morning coffee.) Additionally, the website has over 71,000 followers on Twitter - that means 71,000 people are waiting to see what the contributors of the blog will write on a daily basis. Sounds pretty crazy, right? This blog post has increased the number of twitter followers I have by nearly 40% - which is amazing. That means for every new follower I have, I have more options for networking, meeting new people in my field of work and making new friends. It's a win, win situation. Don't you think?

Now maybe that will put into perspective why I am so ecstatic about my post on their blog. I hope you all will read it!!! Thank you for reading!


  • Rex Gradeless

    Jessica is also being modest. Her posts have brought readers to our blog as well. She is a great asset to SMLS and we are happy she is participating.

    Don't let her tell you otherwise Grandma.

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