School started two weeks ago, I am knee deep in depositions and trial prep for a case going to court this Thrusday, I started dating a new guy and I have had little to no desire to write anything that didn't involve the words, "Please send money."
But I still have lots of news to share. I recently wrote a post for the 3six5 Project! You can read it here. It's about my old college friend who recently moved to Chicago for graduate school. The 3six5 Project is a project created by my friend, Len Kendall, meant to capture 365 points of view for 365 days. Basically, 365 different writers choose a date this year and write about their experiences for that day. It's a really cool idea and so far the posts have been really amazing. I hope mine lives up to the rest.
My courses for this semester include Corporation, High Tech Litigation, Legal Writing IV for IT and Privacy Law, Trial Advocacy, and Constitutional Law II. It's pretty exciting stuff. I love my Legal Writing Professor, my Trial Advocacy professor and my High Tech Litigation professor the best thus far.
My Legal Writing professor actually lived in Austin for 20 years while doing all sorts of IT litigation, so I feel like we are kind of kindred spirits even though he is clearly old enough to be my father. My legal writing professor is also the former Director of the IT and Privacy Law program, so he's extremely knowledgeable about my field of study and extremely personable. My Trial Advocacy professor is actually a judge. His name is Judge Norgle and he's a Northern District Court Judge in Illinois. (My school is right across from the Federal Court house.) Judge Norgle is extremely entertaining and despite the late class (6-9pm), he keeps us all awake, alert and happy. Finally, my High Tech Litigation professor is equally as interesting. He's been practicing for ten years and is very involved in Patent Litigation. I think he knows a great deal about technology litigation and is going to be a great resource for practical advice for what to expect after law school.
Needless to say, I think I am going to really enjoy this semester. I hope to keep you updated, sorry it's been such a long time since I last wrote. Life doesn't stop for the blogsphere and I'm learning that the hard way.
Last but never least, here is a copy of my thesis paper on Online Contractual Agreements and a Lack of Meeting of the Minds. I wanted to share it all with my legal readers since I haven't posted anything particularly relevant to the law lately.
Happy Reading!
Thesis Paper Cyberspace Law
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