Perez Hilton Named Hispanic of the Year!? Seriously!?

Monday, December 14, 2009
I am going to be very frank - I think the fact that Perez Hilton was named Hispanic of the Year by Hispanic Magazine is absolutely ridiculous and so embarrassing. My friend and law school buddy, Huma, agrees and wrote an awesome post ranting about it.
Read It Here:

I wanted to invite you all to read her thoughts because I completely agree, but at the moment I'm knee deep in study sludge and I can't find my way out long enough to even find the energy to rant.
Clearly, Hispanic Magazine thinks the most admired Hispanics should be childish, immature, ignorant personalities, not insightful, intelligent and admirable leaders. It's a pity there aren't better role models for the young Hispanics in this world. I really hope they don't grow up believing that Perez Hilton is someone to be admired.
If Perez Hilton is the best we have in the Hispanic Community, then I'd rather be recognized as just Jessica and by no race or ethnicity. That's just my two cents from my "Czech" and "Mexican" side.

Posted via email from A Techno-ly Legal Quickie


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