Positive Thought

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I really believe in the power of positive thought to the extent that it can change attitudes. I don't really believe the world or anyone wants to tell an eager student with passion "No." When I read scholarship applications for the Academic Services Liberal Arts Scholarship, I remember the ones I found most inspiring were ones that had a truly positive outlook on the situation at hand. It's one thing to be down on your luck, it's another thing to be defeated.

I never thought my desire to learn would take me so far, but it has. I've found often that the more I research, the more I know and the more I know, the better opinions and thoughts I can form about the world around me. It's one thing to sit in a classroom and listen to a lecture, it's another to yearn for knowledge to the extent that you will explore it and live it. I've always been a visual learner who learned best when challenged with something physical through trial and error.

Life is a bit like trial and error. Sometimes you work so hard at something and it all falls apart. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you fail, but inevitably learning from your mistakes is the key. With positive thought, you can take even the worst situations and find a way to turn them around, thus altering your outlook, your attitude and your feelings toward a situation.

Do I want to be a lawyer? Yes. Do I want to be employed when I graduate? Yes. How do I develop my skills to make sure I'm more desireable on paper than the next person? Stand out. How do you stand out? Be unique, think outside the box, develop skills you can use not only in your career but in your life. Stop waiting for opportunity to come knocking, find an open window and crawl through. Make friends and network - smile. Think positive.

Ok, that all seems very simple, but maybe that's just it. A good attitude, a better personality, and a smile can go a long way.


  • blueberrymuffins

    I love the power of positive thinking! Good luck with your goals :)!

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