Friday, July 30, 2010
Ok, I've ranted and raved about how much I love Chicago, but it's starting to wear on me. There is something not so awesome about getting your wallet stolen. I know, I know, this can happen in any city and frankly, I am quite stunned it hasn't happened to me already. But at the same time, c'mon Chicago - first a break up, then I bust myself on your sidewalks, and now you steal from me. You're just solidifying your place in my heart as a place I want to forget.

In all fairness to Chicago, I was at a well-lit upscale organic burger place...around 6:45 PM...with a male friend who isn't exactly muscle-y, but he could win in a fight...and I was talking and chatting...but completely sober...paying pretty close attention and not really drawing attention to myself. Yeah, doesn't that go against everything that "they" say about crimes? Shouldn't these sort of incidents occur in dark alleys, in sketchy neighborhoods, when you're alone, drunk and listening to your iPod while wandering aimlessly?

Humph. So much for my warped perception of reality.

At the end of the day, I can replace all my stuff. I had about $10 in my wallet, a few dollars in coins, an un-cashed birthday check from my grandparents, two debit cards, a bunch of membership cards, my student ID, and my driver's license. The perpetrators only got away with $600 charged to my debit card and my USB drive...I'm lucky my bank caught them. I would think most thieves would hope for more. Lucky for me, I'm a poor law student with very little money to my name and more debt than assets.

I bank with Chase and Wells Fargo. The thieves didn't get anything out of my Wells Fargo account...they must have better monitoring than Chase. Chase let them take $600 which Chase is there is as silver lining...I guess. I am going to miss my USB drive and it's a pain in the ass to get a new student ID and driver's license. Ehhhh.

But for some reason, it still hurts. It still bothers me that someone could legitimately steal from someone else. I never have understood why or how someone could think that something they legitimately know is not theirs, should be theirs, especially hard earned money. I just feel a little hurt - not by my perpetrator, but by humanity. When did people get so greedy?

Well, on a lighter note, at least the dumb asses stole my wallet the day before pay day. Some thieves just never win. I like that. :)


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